Institutional Approach to Investment Management with Asset Manager Flexibility

At Steele Wealth Management, we build portfolios to provide a more consistent return experience over time.

We don’t chase, churn or time the hot stocks of the day. We build customized portfolios based on your unique situation, considering factors such as your risk tolerance/capacity, income tax situation and liquidity needs. Then we manage those portfolios in a disciplined manner.

We mix the institutional approach of minimal portfolio turnover and maximum diversification with the asset manager approach of security selection and active management.

The Steele Wealth Management team includes three CFA Charterholders. The CFA designation represents the highest distinction in the investment management industry. Accordingly, Steele Wealth Management incorporates leading-edge academic research and principles in its investment management process.

Portfolio Construction and Strategy

The core tenet of Steele Wealth Management’s investment approach is capital preservation.

We achieve this in two ways – Diversification and Tactical Asset Allocation

  1. Diversification by following a “Snails and Whales” security selection style

    “Snails” are easy to find and usually plentiful but are boring and slow. The snails are the core component of the portfolio. They typically come with average earnings, dividends and total returns but average or lower volatility. Snails would typically be considered “value” securities.

    “Whales” are harder to find and are much less plentiful. Whales are a smaller part of the portfolio but this allocation varies over time. Whales tend to have long lives and long holding periods that can often reap large rewards but with these long lives comes higher than average volatility. Whales would typically be considered “growth” securities.

    Holding a portfolio with both snails and whales helps reduce “style risk” which results in underperformance due to holding just “value” or just “growth” stocks.

  2. Tactical asset allocation by integrating late and early cycle macroeconomic indicators to drive changes in asset allocation

    While economic data is often just noise, there are critical junctures when economic data can indicate inflection points, and acting on that data is essential. Steele Wealth Management uses a proprietary process to identify and act on what we deem to be key market turning points. In effect, we gear the risk of your portfolio up and down within your tolerance range when we identify major changes in the economic and equity market outlooks.

Independence of Thought

Steele Wealth Management and Raymond James Ltd. are deliberately independent.

We do not sell products. We are not incentivized to recommend one security or another. We are free to make unbiased recommendations and be completely candid when analyzing potential investments.